Attention Doctor of Chiropractic

Are you ready to attract more patients and grow your practice?

You obviously want to help people feel better.


But practice success requires more than excellent care. What about a constant influx of new patients? Patients that pay, stay and refer? Would that put you ahead of the game?


Been here before…


Is attracting new patients a struggle? Your website doesn’t deliver? Want more appointments? Current marketing lacks luster. Regular advertising losing steam?


Stuck in a rut? Want a new strategy?


Picture this


Your practice calendar is booked.


Revenue starts to build.


Your community sees you as the go-to chiropractor.


Solution – AI-Researched, personally written


I write persuasive copy that brings in new patients. Using the vast power of AI. I research the pool of potential chiropractic patients. Aim to bring in happy, loyal new patients. See how this works…


  1. Powerful AI insights – AI analysis huge amounts of data. It helps me see what patients are looking for. I speak to their desires.
  2. Super Content. Engaging website writing and email campaigns – each piece directed to your audience.
  3. Iteration – through continual analysis and testing you dial in the best results


Your partner for growth


Howdy, my name is Randall States. I’ve dedicated my focus to help chiropractors grow their practice. More people can benefit from chiropractic care and I want to help. I have been helped by chiropractic and it has helped loved ones too. Chiropractic is phenomenal!


I blend a personal touch with AI research. But I do the writing personally.


So why not let AI do all the work?


Google and other search engines look for AI. It’ll affect your SEO badly.


So I avoid AI from writing. But the research it provides is invaluable. So it needs to be used properly.


I understand the chiropractic experience. It has helped me in so many ways and my loved ones too. That’s why I focus on writing for chiropractors.


I offer personalized service that is tailored to your practice, needs and location.


The Plan


Are you ready to boost your practice?


Are you willing to see something new?


Let’s talk.


Take fifteen minutes to talk with me and see what I can do for you.


Just email me a good time to talk.


Let’s grow your practice.

Hi! I'm Randall States.

I write for chiropractors so their websites work better.

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